Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The importance of the tasks of the HFSF and its pivotal role in the banking system, call for strict loyalty and confidentiality for HFSF personnel as well as ample safeguards of independence.

For these reasons, the HFSF having regard to the provisions of the establishing Law 3864/2010 (the “HFSF Law”) and considering that the importance of their duties calls for the adoption of the highest standard of ethical conduct, has adopted a Code of Conduct, which provides guidance to and sets ethical conventions, standards and benchmarks.

To this effect the Code foresees that the personnel are required to act under the fundamental principles of integrity, impartiality, discretion, independence and confidentiality.

The Code also outlines commitments and prohibitions for the acceptance of gifts as well as measures for conflicts of interests and rules for insider trading that along with the relevant Policies set the precise and clear framework that the Fund’s personnel are required to adopt to function smoothly and unwaveringly and to maintain its reputation for integrity and impartiality.

The Code also includes provisions for the management of financial information and professional interactions between HFSF personnel and stakeholders/third parties as well as a clear and comprehensive disclosure and resolution process.

The HFSF recognizes the importance of a work ethic based on mutual respect and human dignity, as violence and harassment in the workplace affect a person’s psychological and physical health, dignity, family and social environment. They also affect the quality of performance and productivity, work relations, personnel motivation, and the reputation of HFSF as they can hinder the access, retention and professional development of individuals in HFSF.

HFSF ensures working conditions characterized by respect for the personality and dignity of its personnel. At the same time, it allows them to perform their duties and provides a working environment that respects diversity while maintaining zero tolerance for discrimination, intimidation and harassment.

All forms of discrimination, harassment or intimidation concerning nationality, gender, motherhood, colour, religion, health condition, sexual orientation and other discrimination are incompatible with HFSF and the HFSF shows zero tolerance for such behaviors.

HFSF is committed to providing all its personnel with a welcoming and positive environment which establishes the safety, opportunity, and encouragement to create and develop to the best of their ability.

Whistle blowing

HFSF has also established channels of communication and procedures through which any such incident or suspicion of can be reported, investigated and dealt with. To this effect the Fund has adopted a whistle blowing procedure to enable all HFSF personnel and interest parties to report their concerns regarding information on any wrongdoing obtained in a work-related context they may encounter.