Board of Directors

Who we are

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of nine (9) members, out of which six (6) are non-executive and three (3) are executive members. Four (4) of its non-executive members, including its Chairman, are selected among persons with international banking experience. The positions of the remaining two (2) non-executive members of the Board of Directors are occupied by a representative of the Ministry of Finance and a representative of the Bank of Greece.
The executive members of the Board of Directors include: (a) the Chief Executive Officer, who is selected among persons having international experience in banking, (b) a member nominated jointly by the Bank of Greece and the Ministry of Finance, and (c) a member selected among persons with international banking experience.

Andreas Verykios


Ilias E. Xirouhakis

Chief Executive Officer

Nikolas Valantasis

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Fotis Kourmousis

Executive Member

Marco Mazzucchelli

Non Executive Member

Vassilios Spiliotopoulos

Non Executive Member, nominated by the Bank of Greece

Konstantinos Tsatsaronis

Non Executive Member

Helen Louri-Dendrinou

Non Executive Member

Stavros Vourloumis

Non Executive Member